Participants are limited to a maximum of 12.
The cost varies depending on the venue and catering so the investment is POA.
The course runs between 9:00am and 3:00pm.
The course can be run ‘in house’ with a minimum of 10 participants.
How do we make continuous improvement part of our company’s culture and daily work habit?
A One Day Practical Toyota Kata Discovery Of Scientific Thinking Workshop.
Learn how to use scientific thinking to continuously improve faster and better than their competitors. The best companies make improvement a habit that energises their people and helps them develop so that they can facilitate change through solving problems and making improvements every day.
Good habits are developed through introduction, then routine and practice.
The Scientific Thinking session is a one day (9:00am – 3:00pm) hands-on workshop that overviews how to work towards a challenge through continuous scientific thinking in the morning followed by a session on coaching a team to optimise these patterns of behaviour in the afternoon.
From this workshop:
• Understand why the Shingo Institute prioritises Scientific Thinking as one of the
10 foundational Principles of Operational Excellence.
• Through an engaging simulation, practice the scientific pattern to achieve a
challenging goal.
• Experience the pattern of Kata coaching that builds improvement capability, lowers stress and creates confident teams.
• Understand a range of options; i.e. through self-study, reading, online or being coached to prototype this in your organisation.
The workshop includes a cross industry perspective with examples from Toyota, Menlo Innovations (IT) and New Zealand service and manufacturing organisations. Scientific Thinking is a life skill applicable to any situation or organisation.