Around the world the Toyota Kata practices for continuous improvement

Around the world the Toyota Kata practices for continuous improvement are being practiced in diverse organisations from the traditional manufacturing to municipalities (councils), hospitals and banks to name a few.

Frans Plugge attended the Kata Convention in Amsterdam during April 2018 which was attended by around 130 participants from 25 countries as distant as Jordon, Israel and New Zealand!

As part of the conference I visited the Reinier de Graaf hospital in Delft which is the oldest hospital in the country seeing 450,000 patients each year with 3000 employees. The wards there are practicing Kata to make their jobs easier and have made dramatic improvements. Kata is being practiced in a number of hospitals in the U.S. with acclaimed success and significant savings in expenditure.
Photos below provided on usb drive.

Attendees listen at the conference

Measured results from continuous improvement


The lean team at Reinier de Graaf Hospital explain their continuous improvement practices

In a ward where the target conditions are discussed each day